Everyone has a point in their life that prompts them to pursue a certain path.
For me, after observing my son breathing with an open mouth posture and realizing that it was not normal, prompted me to do research about why he was doing that and what I could do to help him. Simultaneously, as a Hygienist, I was learning about breathing disorders, identifying them, and applying corrective action. Applying what I learned at that point, I came to know about orofacial myofunctional symptoms and how it affects over-all health and development. I was committed to learning as much as I could to help my son and my patients.

My professional career as a Registered Dental Hygienist started in 2007. I was fortunate to work for some highly knowledgeable dentists that allowed me opportunities to learn and grow in my career. These learning opportunities also included multiple courses, seminars and training about airway and breathing. To advance my knowledge, I started Myofunctional training in 2018 and received my certification from The Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (AOMT). I continued my Myofunctional training and completed the Myomentor program with Sarah Hornsby. I was also fortunate to be accepted into the MyoMasterMinds program taught at the renowned Breathe Institute and led by Dr. Soroush Zaghi. Going through the program further developed my knowledge and understanding of myofunctional therapy practices. The MyoMasterMinds program is the most comprehensive and advanced myofunctional program available today.
I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in 2001. I miss Chicago, but I love the outdoor activities California offers, such as hiking and camping. I also enjoy traveling and experiencing different cultures and food. One of my most memorable trips was to Morocco as a health and wellness volunteer and provided free dental services to people who were not able to afford dental services in villages.
I want my patients who present various Myofunctional symptoms to achieve ideal health and orofacial development by participating in Myofunctional therapy.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me for an evaluation or if you or a family member would like to learn more about these therapies.